
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Worst. Blogger. Ever.

I would say that I have no excuse for neglecting my blog over the last two weeks.... but I would be lying.

The last two weeks have been absolutely insane for our family. I have been running around like crazy prepping for the Kids of Steel Triathlon. We are less than four weeks away and everything is ramping up. I am under a huge amount of pressure to ensure that I have enough volunteers to run the event and I am starting to get worried that it is not going to happen.

Another thing that has been keeping me busy is our housing situation. We finally managed to sell our condo (Yay!) and buy a house (Even bigger yay!). We sold two weeks ago and we are moving out on the 23rd of this month! It is all happening super fast! Then the buyer told us when they wanted to possession we didn't argue. We were just happy to be out of our old place and moving into something new. That also meant that we had to find a house right away. After looking at around 30 houses in a four day time frame, we have settled on a great house in Blackburn. I will post more information and photos in a bit!

All in all, I have had no time to breathe. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to blog on a regular basis in the next few weeks but I will do my best. Please just keep checking back!

Mrs. E

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