
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

DIY ~ Bunting Flags

Dressing up a little girls room is so much fun!

Since we moved into our new house I have really been dragging my feet on putting up photos and decorating Sydney's room for her. Our house has been pretty bare and is in some need of a little DIY and TLC. Hopefully I will have a little bit more time in the new year to focus a little bit more on making our house a home. 

I am starting to tackle on project at a time for now. One of the first projects that I jumped on was some bunting flags for Syd's wall. I have a ton of really cute patterned fabric so I didn't even have to go out to buy any supplies. 

First I made myself a triangle template out of some cardstock. My triangle was five inches wide and eight inches tall. Once my template was cut I cut out all of my flags. Each flag needs two sides. I ended up with a giant stack of cut flags that looked like this:

The next step is to sew them all together. This step is super easy and just a little bit time consuming. Turn the two sides of one flag so that the good sides are facing in. Sew a straight stitch down both sides of the flag, leaving the top open. 

Once you have sewn all of the flags you will need to turn them all right side out. I used a chopstick to help me get in the tips of the flags. Once all of the flags are right side out you will have to press all of them nice and flat. 

The last step is to attach them all together. You can use a long strip of bias tape or some ribbon. I chose to use this cute ribbon that I had. I folded the ribbon in half over the top of the flags and pinned it so that half of the ribbon was on the front of the flag and half was on the back of the flag. I then sewed a straight stitch  along the edge of the ribbon to hold it all together. 

We used finishing nails to attach it to the wall. I am so happy with how it turned out! What do you think?

Mrs. E

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