
Thursday, November 1, 2012


I love Halloween so much. 

I have always planned our costumes out months in advance and could not wait to go to Halloween parties or show off all the hard work I had put into my costume. This year was a bit different though. I had all of these grand plans to make Sydney's costume. She was going to be Madeline (the french cartoon caracter). I got about half way into making her costume and decided that I was way too tired to finish it. 

So after a few temper tantrums at the sewing machine I gave up and we went to buy Sydney a store baught costume (Gasp!). We ended up finding a really cute bat costume for her and she loved it. Here she is trying it on and playing with the Halloween card that Gran and Gido got her. It sings "Somebody Watching Me" by Michael Jackson when you open it!

The next step in our Halloween fun was to carve the pumpkins. Syd Was so excited. She kept saying "Puckin! Puckin!". But the second I cut it open and asked her to help me take the seeds out she backed away from me and said no. Needless to say, David and I did all of the dirty work while she wandered in between the two of us watching in nothing but a diaper. 

Finally the big night came. We got all bundled up and Gran, Gido and auntie Kendra all came over to help give out candy so we could go Trick or Treating. Sydney was so bundled that she could barely move. We had, had a fair amount of snow over the last few days and it was not warm outside at all. 

Sydney handled everything like a rockstar! She braved the cold and got the loot for doing it. We pulled her from house to house in her wagon. She would walk up to the door with David and when they opened the door she would say "Teat a Teat!" and hold her bucket out. She figured out the whole process and she was having so much fun. We stopped at about ten or twelve houses and then we headed back for some hot chocolate (warm chocolate in Sydney's case) and a few treats. 

All in all it was an incredible night! We had so much fun and Sydney was so amazing. People couldn't get over how cute she was and were extra generous with the treats. Can't wait to do it again next year!

Mrs. E

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