
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

16 Weeks

At 16 weeks...
Weight gained: Still 3lbs
Baby gender: Unknown
Belly button in or out: Getting flatter....
Food cravings: Hot Tamale candies, Salt!, Mandarin oranges, Japanese Village ginger and steak sauces... actually, I am craving Japanese Village food in general.
Food aversions: Still not loving meat. I am also having problems with anything that has a very strong taste. 
Appointments: My next OB appointment is November 27 and my ultrasound is November 29!
How I am feeling: I am starting to feel less and less tired and more and more achy. My body is starting to get really sore and my hips are really starting to bother me. It is also getting harder and harder to carry Sydney around. 
Exciting milestones: I got two really good thumps in my belly when I was sitting at my desk yesterday.
Things I am looking forward to: I am really excited for Sydney and David to feel the baby.
Things that I miss: I really miss sushi this week... and some of my old wardrobe. 
Thoughts: I am exhausted today because Sydney had a bad night last night and Dave was working a night shift. I am really nervous for those nights when I have two kids who don't want to sleep and I am just beat up and without help. 
Daddy's thoughts: NA
Sydney's thoughts: "I love the baby's car seat!. Can I play in it?"

Mrs. E

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