
Thursday, November 1, 2012

15 Weeks

At 15 weeks...
Weight gained: Still 3lbs
Baby gender: Unknown
Belly button in or out: In but already flattening out
Food cravings: A&W onion rings, Hot Tamale candies, Diet Coke (even thought I can't have it!)
Food aversions: Any and all meat... chicken makes me gag
Appointments: Nothing coming up! I did have a follow up appointment yesterday at the Cross Cancer institute. Some of you may know that I have been going there for testing every six months since I had Sydney. Nothing to be worried about. It is just a bit of a pain to head down there to get poked and prodded at. 
How I am feeling: I feel like I am rounding the corner! I have much more energy but I am still going to bed really early every night. Sleeping is starting to get a bit uncomfortable now because my hips are really starting to hurt but I expected that. My nausea comes and goes. I am still taking diclectin.
Exciting milestones: I am starting to feel little flutters and bubbles. 
Things I am looking forward to: Feeling bigger movement! I can't wait for that first kick. I know I am going to be eating my words later on when I constantly have feet in the ribs, but for now I am excited. 
Things that I miss: Still missing working out and I am really starting to miss things like sushi. 
Thoughts: I am starting to get really excited about holding a little baby in my arms again. I know it will be different this time though. I am a little bit sad that I won't have as much time to spend with my new little one. 
Daddy's thoughts: NA
Sydney's thoughts: NA

Mrs. E

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