
Monday, March 25, 2013

Banff ~ Day One

I love my husband so very much.

Last Friday was my 28th Birthday and David gave me an early Birthday surprise. On Wednesday morning our alarm went off.... why the heck was there an alarm set on a day when both of us were not working?! David jumped out of bed and told me to pack up and that we were leaving in an hour. He gave me absolutely no instructions on what to pack, where we were going or what I should bring..... not helpful. 

So we packed up and headed on out. I didn't know that we were headed until we were about ten minutes outside of Calgary. We were going to Banff! I grew up going to Canmore and Banff and neither of us had been there in years! We drove into town and I still had no idea what our plans were. 

I knew it was too early to check into our hotel so I just went with it. We ended up heading up the Banff gondola. It was so beautiful at the top and we had an incredible time walking around enjoying the view.

Sydney also ate about half of the snow at the top of the mountain. She has a serious snow addiction and we are constantly having to watch where she is grabbing the snow from. 


That night we went for a really great dinner at a Mexican restaurant in town. I really wanted to go to Saltlik but they are not kid friendly so we had to make another choice. The food was still really good and we had a great time hanging out as a family. 

After dinner we headed out for a quick swim and then all passed out back at the hotel. The entire day was so perfect and it was so much fun to go on an impromptu family adventure.

Mrs. E

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