
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Painting Adventures

One of the best things about having a toddler, is having an excuse to make extra big messes. 

David and I had been talking about getting Sydney some finger paints for a while. He made his way out to one of the education shops close to our house and managed to find some of the old powdered paint. One morning, while I was still working, David let Sydney go to town with the paints. He took her to our unfinished basement, rolled out some craft paper, mixed some paints, stripped her down and let her make a massive mess. 

She had a fantastic time whipping the paint everywhere and making footprints and hand prints. The best part was that everything washed right off in the bath and was pretty easy to clean up. It's these types of activities that I love the most. It's these activities that she will remember the most. 

Mrs. E

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