
Friday, May 24, 2013

The Boy Who Could Sleep Anywhere

We are on the road once again. 

We have taken a few days to make our way down south to Lethbridge to visit my Dad and the rest of my family down here so I won't be able to post much in the next few days but I thought it would be nice to put up a couple of new photos. 

Our little Henry has learned to sleep almost anywhere. We are really trying to ensure that he does not become a picky baby when it comes to sleep. We keep the noise levels up (at least Sydney does) when he sleeps and we don't schedule our day around his nap times. So far, he has done incredibly well. He almost always falls asleep in his carseat and loves to take cat naps on his Daddy. Hopefully it stays this way... second children don't always have the luxury of sleeping in the most comfortable places...

By the way, our boy is one month old today! I will get around to his one month post when we get home.

Mrs. E

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Calgary Road Trip

Last weekend, we took our first family road trip to Calgary.

David had a track meet at the athletic complex there so we took advantage of the opportunity and visited our friends Kevin and Kate while we were there. The drive down was fantastic. Both kids were happy and quiet and we only had to stop once for a quick feeding for Henry. We got there just in time to get some food and sign David in at the meet. He had a great day (even though he was not happy with his performance) and the kids and I tried to hide from the heat while watching him. 

I have to be honest... watching both kids while he was out in the field was completely overwhelming. Henry was in the Ergo carrier and I was sweating my butt off chasing Sydney with him attached to me. At the end of the event I was absolutely done. 

We headed over to Kevin and Kate's house to meet their new puppy Skipper and take a bit of a break. We ended up having a nice relaxing night there. We had Vietnamese food for dinner, walked to the park to play and played with the puppy.

Day two of our trip was even better. It was Mother's Day so we planned a nice family day out. We woke up and showered and the kids and David surprised me with my Mother's Day gift (the Colour me Rad run). We then ate breakfast and hit the road. 

We spent the entire morning at the Calgary Zoo exploring all of the incredible habitats and chasing after Sydney. It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed every minute of it. I even managed to feed Henry with him in the carrier so we could keep moving the whole time. We finished up with a quick lunch in the zoo cafe and headed home. 

The entire weekend was so nice. Both kids cooperated really well and the drive home was easy and without any stops along the way. It was nice to know we could venture out of the city without a hitch. 

Mrs. E

Monday, May 20, 2013

Syd Sings to Henry

The sibling bond just keeps growing stronger and stronger in our house. 

Sydney has discovered that singing songs to Henry makes him stop crying. He is a great baby and doesn't cry often, but when he does she is right there to help out. The other day David captured this cute moment. Henry was not a happy camper in his swing, so Syd pulled up a chair and started singing twinkle twinkle little star. It is one of those moments that just completely melts your heart. I am so in love with these two little ones. 

Mrs. E

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Healthy Pita Chips

We always eat healthy in our house, but lately I have really been paying attention to our diets.

I am on a mission to lose the baby weight as soon as possible. I am not in a position to start working out right now (I need to wait until my 6 week check up) so I am trying to adapt my diet as much as possible and get out for a walk once a day. Hopefully it gives me a jump start on getting back to my pre-pregnancy clothes. 

One of my downfalls is that I really love to snack. I am pretty good at sticking to healthier items but occasionally I do want something crunchy. To help curb the craving I make healthy homemade pita chips. They are delicious! We usually eat them with our homemade salsa or some fresh hummus... yum!

The Necessities:
~ Pita bread
~ Cooking Spray
~ Seasoning of your choice (I use a little bit of seasoning salt)

The Process:
~ Pre-heat oven to 375
~ Line cookie sheets with tin foil
~ Cut pita bread into 2x2 inch pieces

~ Separate the two layers of pita and place rough side up on the cookie sheet
~ Ensure that there are no chips overlapping

~ Spray lightly with cooking spray and sprinkle lightly with seasoning

~ Place in oven and let bake until they are crunchy. This happens quickly (under 5 minutes). Do not walk away from the oven at all. You will need to watch the chips and check them often because they will burn quickly. The chips do not have to be brown to be finished. They should feel crispy to the touch. 

~ Serve with healthy dip of your choice....


Mrs. E

Happy Mother's Day To Me!

Woohoo! I love Mother's Day so much. 

I love that there is a celebration of all of the incredible Moms out there. I love being a Mom and would not change it for the world. It is the hardest job I have ever had and the most incredibly rewarding. This year I got to celebrate Mother's Day with my TWO beautiful children and my amazing husband. David organized an awesome surprise for me. He made colour splattered shirts for the kids that represented my gift.... He registered us for the Colour Me rad Run! It is a super fun 5k run where you are splattered with coloured powder as you run along the course and you end up covered in a million colours. It is in July and is the perfect post-baby fitness goal for me. I can't wait to get the go-ahead from my doctor to start working out!

Mrs. E

A Healthy Summer Meal

We are really enjoying every minute of family time. 

Since Henry arrived, we have had the most amazing time learning about life as a family of four. We have had incredible weather that has allowed us to spend countless hours together outside and we have been able to create some really incredible memories over the last three weeks. 

One of our favourite things to do when it is nice out and we have time is to cook delicious, healthy meals. The BBQ is out and we have been loving all of the fresh produce available in the stores. Grilled chicken, veggies, spaghetti squash and fresh salads have become staples in our diet and I love it! Hopefully all of this healthy eating will help me get down to my pre-pregnancy weight fast!

Henry was sad that he didn't get to eat any of the delicious food.... sorry Henry!

Mrs. E

Monday, May 13, 2013

Cinderella Sydney

Syd is so spoiled.

David's sister went to Disneyworld a couple of weeks ago for a cheerleading competition and as usual.... she came home with some fun gifts for all of us. The biggest gift was for Sydney. Kendra brought her a full on Cinderella costume! Syd has become completely obsessed with Cinderella. We recorded the movie for her and she has been watching it non-stop ever since.She was so excited to have the dress and tiara! 

Here is Cinderella Sydney having an incredible time playing dress up!

Mrs. E

Summer has Started!

Well... summer has officially started in Edmonton!

We have been busy working on our yard and trying to get the house ready for the warmer weather. David has been knocking tasks off of our "TO DO" list left, right and centre. The temperatures have been hitting close to thirty this past week. We decided that it was about time to break out the pool for Sydney and let her run around. 

She could not have been happier running around in nothing but her swim diaper. I love that we have a backyard this year!

Mrs. E