
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Lara's Shower and Bachelorette

Wow.... this is how far behind I am in my blogging....

David's cousin Lara is getting married in a week and a half. She had her shower and stagette at the beginning of the month and I am just getting around to blogging about it now! Holy cow I have been busy. 

Lara's bridesmaids, friends and mother threw the most incredible day of celebration for her. The shower took place in the afternoon and we went right into the stagette in the evening. The shower was a traditional English tea party complete with incredible baking from Duchess Bakery and a vintage hat collection that belonged to David and Lara's great aunts. The food was incredible and the company was even better. The weather could not have been better and we all sat outside to enjoy the sun and watch Lara open her gifts. Sydney loved playing with the other little girls and eating cookies and Henry happily slept through the entire thing. 

The stagette was at a different house so I dropped off the kids at the house and changed. It was a golf theme and the girls had put together some fun games and great food. They picked up funky knee high socks for everyone and Lara's bridesmaid Angela even made her a Channing Tatum cake! (She is a major fan) They had organized a professional photographer to capture the entire night and there were more jello shots than I could count. It was awesome! Here are a few photos from the evening. 

Mrs. E

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Henry ~ 3 Months

It's all happening too fast!

Henry is three months old today. I woke up this morning with a small feeling of panic. My baby is already a quarter of a year old and I am trying to deny that it is happening as fast as it is. Henry is really developing quite the personality. He is constantly cooing and talking and flashing his chubby cheeked us. He is the sweetest little boy that I have ever met and I feel so lucky to have him in my life. 

Little man is weighing in at an impressive 13lbs 5oz! He is super stable and still nurses like a total champ. In the last couple of days he has learned to sleep in his crib for naps and now goes down awake and puts himself to sleep! It is one of the biggest breakthroughs we have had in the last little while. Life is busy but incredibly fun and I am loving every minute of it. 

Mrs. E

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Play Dates With the Crawfords

In between all of our crazy commitments this summer, we have managed to fit in a couple of awesome play dates.

I have known Laura Crawford for a long time. We worked together as lifeguards years ago and had our girls a couple of months apart. When I found out that Laura was pregnant with her second daughter I knew we would not be far behind her. Now that we each have two kids we try to get together whenever we can. We braved some of the Edmonton heat in the backyard with the kids not too long ago. The girls ran through the sprinkler and played in the sand and our two babies napped in the shade. After they made a complete mess of themselves we threw both of them into the bath to get cleaned up and then into bed to warm up. They had a great time!

Mrs. E

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Lake Days

I don't know about you, but I love the lake. 

It seems like such a Canadian past time. We like to pack up for the day and head out to the cabin for some water fun, some family time and a lot of sun. My family has had a cabin out at Pigeon lake for decades. I have strong memories of playing on the boat and learning to water ski. I grew up having sleepovers in the loft of the cabin with my siblings and eating way too much junk food in front of the fire. We used to go out in the winter and hop on the snowmobiles for fun in the snow and we would come back to the house to warm up with hot chocolate. Our cabin is the ultimate childhood memory for me..... and now we are raising another generation of lake kids. 

Last weekend David was working. I packed up the kids and headed for the lake with my parents, my aunt, and her kids. It was incredible. Perfect weather, a few good people and the gorgeous lake. Syd went on the sea doo for the very first time and loved every minute of it. Henry slept and enjoyed the sun. We are building lake memories for our kids and I love it. 

Mrs. E

Little Big Man

How sweet is our little man.

Henry is such a boy and is so good to his Mama. He is my little buddy and I can't wait to see the kind of boy he will be. Will he be sensitive or tough? Will he be independent or a mama's boy? Who knows. What I do know is that he looks exactly like his dad and has a wicked cute wardrobe (Thanks to our friends Randy and Stacy for this particular outfit). 

Mrs. E

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Colour Me Rad

I am so excited about these pictures. 

We did the colour me rad run last weekend! It is not a particularly challenging run, but it is one that I wanted to do as soon as I saw it advertised. It is a 5k run where you are pelted with coloured cornstarch along the course. The race package includes sunglasses to protect your eyes and we made sure to wear our whitest shirts. We put the rain cover on the chariot and hoped that the kids would stay relatively clean. 

We had such an incredible time! This was the first 5k I had done since having Henry and we took our time. We stopped for photos, danced through the colour stations and enjoyed the beautiful weather. We were certain that the kids had gotten through the entire thing without getting dirty.... until I saw Sydney's pink hand poking out of the chariot. 

She had gotten a hold of the pink zinc that David had used that morning. She was completely pink! Luckily Henry had avoided most of the pink craziness. One of our friends Stacy ran the race as well. We all laughed at how messy we had gotten as we walked back to our cars. an entire container or wipes and some towels later and we were finally able to get into the car. 

I was purple and orange for a few days after!

Mrs. E