
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Family Fun in Steveston

On our first full day in the Vancouver area we met up with David's cousin Brent and his family. 

Our kids are the share the same age gap and are fairly close in age so it is always fun to get together with them and see how the kids are growing. They live in Richmond so we decided that heading down to Steveston would be the best way to spend the day. We walked along the pier, had some incredible burgers (prawn for me and pork for David), and spent some time at the park. David even tried some fresh sea urchin.... yuck. The weather was perfect and the kids had a great time playing together. It was so nice to catch up with the Bisdorfs. When we were discussing the last time we had seen each other, we figured that it had been over two years! The last time we saw them, Sydney was only 6 weeks old! We need to get out to the coast more often....

Mrs. E

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