
Friday, August 9, 2013

On The Road ~ Through the Rockies

Eleven days ago we left on our first major road trip as a family of four. 

We made our way to the Vancouver area to visit family before heading to Idaho for an incredible wedding and finishing up with a great visit in Lethbridge. We really had no idea how Henry would react on a road trip this long. It didn't take us long to figure out that he is a miserable little road tripper. He literally screamed for hours on end. To combat some of his screaming bouts, we made frequent stops to feed him and get both kids out of the carseats. 

On the way to Vancouver, one of our stops was at Mount Robson. David has great memories of stopping there when he was younger and it was perfect timing for a lunch break. We enjoyed the food and some gorgeous weather before tackling a feed and tandem diaper changes. It was the perfect way to break up the drive. 

While we were waiting for our food Sydney made friends with a fly. she gently picked him up and gave him a kiss before putting him back down. He didn't even try to fly away! Strange....

Mrs. E

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