
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Easter Bunny Came...

Well... I guess I should start catching up on a few blog posts now that I am back at work. 

We have been so busy preparing for my return to work that I have had no time to sit down at the computer. Two weeks ago we made the trip down to Lethbridge to visit my dad and celebrate Easter. It had been months since we had seen each other so I could not wait to hit the road.... Unfortunately we ran into some serious travel issues. Central Alberta was hit with a bit of a spring snow storm that caused pile ups on the highway... and we got stuck in one of them. We sat outside of Lacombe for over an hour and a half before we were able to turn around and head home. We had to start the entire trip over the next day but we did make it down. 

One of the highlights of our trip was the visit from the Easter bunny. Sydney counted down the days until we could search the house for eggs and even though Henry is too little to understand we got him in on the action too. When we told Syd she could start collecting eggs she was off running. I have never seen her move so fast! Henry was reaching out to collect eggs too and between the two of them they were all found in no time flat. We had a great time going through their baskets and eating candy. All of these holidays and celebrations are only getting better as the kids get older!

Mrs. E

Back to It.....

I can't believe that I am writing this post.... I'm back at work. 

As of Monday I am a full time employee once more. I am pretty sure that I was in denial right up until Sunday evening when I realized that I had to take my work clothes out of storage. It was terrifying. I know that we made this decision a while ago but it still doesn't feel right. I want to be home raising my babies and taking care of our house. I want to be setting up play dates and driving the kids to and from activities. I want to be cooking and working on items for the shop.... I do not want to be at my desk.

The first few days have been hard but the kids are handling it beautifully and Dave has been a massive help. I find myself counting down to my first Friday.... I can't wait!

Mrs. E

Sunday, April 27, 2014


I. Can't. Even.

This last year has flown by so much faster than I ever thought possible. We have traveled, played, loved.. . and watch our little man grow. Henry is a year old. We celebrated his birthday on Thursday and it was the ultimate bitter sweet moment for me. He has grown into such a little man with loads of personality and an independent streak you would not believe. He is stubborn and impatient and completely loving. He looks like his dad.... and I can already see how he will grow into an incredible man like his dad as well. He is my love. I am soft with him and have a hard time disciplining him. Henry is a Momma's boy and I am wrapped around his finger. 

I can't wait to see how this little guy is going to change our lives over the next few years. He has already added so much to our everyday and I know it will only get better from here. 

Mrs. E

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Brass & Baubles ~ Spring Fling Quilt

I am so in love with this sweet little quilt. 

It's simple and modern design allows for the bright colors and patterns to really pop! Every time Sydney walked into the room as I was making this, she asked if she could have it. I think our little lady was suffering from quilt infatuation. But alas.... This one is destined for the shop. Check it out by clicking on the shop button on the right or above. Let me know what you think!

Mrs. E

Monday, April 14, 2014

Music Moment ~ Coachella Dreams

I'm kind of wishing I could be enjoying myself at Coachella this weekend. It is on our bucket list and seeing amazing bands like the one below on the lineup only makes me want to go even more!

This band is called Warpaint and I have been listening to them a lot in the studio. It is the perfect mellow music and hauntingly beautiful. Thoughts?

Also, Empire of the Sun is on the Coachella lineup this year! David and I became huge fans of theirs while we were on our honeymoon in Australia. They are originally from Oz and I can't hear one of their songs without being automatically transported back to watching the sunset on a catamaran in the Whitsunday Islands.... bliss. 

Mrs. E

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Brass & Baubles ~ Shades of Blue Quilt

I have to admit guys... this is a thing of beauty. 

I just finished my first big quilting project ever and i could not be more excited! I did everything myself including quilting the entire thing on my ancient singer sewing machine. I painstakingly hand stitched the binding and through the entire process I fell completely in love. This quilt pattern is by one of my all time favorite quit and fabric designers Camille Roskelley of Thimbleblossoms. It is called Red Letter Day and it is amazing and modern. 

I made this quilt intending on keeping it for myself ( I REALLY love it) but David is insisting I try to sell it. So unfortunately for me and fortunately for you, this beauty is up for sale *Tear*. You can check it out in the Brass & Baubles shop HERE. What do you think?

Mrs. E

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Brass & Baubles ~ Pinwheel Quilt

Even though I haven't had the chance to post pictures of it.... I have been working away in the studio like crazy!

My project list is huge and I have slowly been checking off items one by one. I had a stack of unfinished projects that I am working my way to completion and I couldn't be happier about it! I have crafters ADD and tend to bounce from one project to another but having a dedicated workspace has really helped to keep me focused. I love camping out in my little room and plowing through things that I have needed to focus on. As a result I have a few new things in the shop! 

One of my recent finishes is this super cute pinwheel quilt that I will be posting in the shop tomorrow. It is all hand pieced and quilted and the pinwheels are 3D. The pinwheels are made out of Kate & Birdie's Bluebird Park fabric and it adds the perfect touch of whimsy to the entire thing. I love this little quilt and there will be another, almost exactly the same, that will be headed to the shop soon as well. It is perfect for a baby gift or a little picnic quilt. If you are interested please go to the shop by clicking on the sidebar button or going HERE

By the way.... I am always willing to take custom orders. 

What do you think?

Mrs. E