
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Family Camping Trip

Have you ever woken up in the morning with no plans for today and thought to yourself.... Let's go on a mini road trip..... We have. 

In early June we woke up one Saturday morning and realized we had absolutely nothing to do. I looked at Dave and said "Pack up the kids. We're going camping." Those who know us well know that Dave and I used to camp all the time before we had the kids. Even up to the time that I was pregnant with Sydney we would fill the car and head to the mountains for some adventure and an escape from the city. On this particular day we went from deciding to go camping to driving out of the city with a fully loaded van.

We managed to get a last minute campsite at Ol' MacDonald's camp ground and lake resort. It is only about an hour and a half from the city and is perfect for families. They have lots of activities, four person bike rentals, a beautiful beach and indoor options on rainy days (like school house movies and popcorn). We set up camp, made hot dogs for lunch, hit the beach and relaxed.

Dave and I have always camped in a tent and we have always cooked over the fire. Introducing the kids to a rustic way of living was so much fun. They loved every single minute of it. My only anxiety came from all of us sleeping in a tent together and whether or not we would even get any sleep. Sydney was asleep by 8:30 and Henry went down just after 10. To my surprise they both slept until almost 8am the next morning and loved that we had all slept together as a family. 

Even though it was last minute and a lot more work with the kids, this will go down as one of my favorite memories as a family. Needless to say, we will be doing it again next summer for sure!

Mrs. E

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