
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Our Happy Home ~ A New Deck

Outdoor living is a way of life here in Canada, 

We are lake people. We are camping people. We are fire pit people. We are patio people. And we are definitely deck people. David and I have been bad Canadians for the last few years. When we moved into our home the former owners did not leave us with much. They were computer gaming people and therefore not outdoors people. We didn't even have stairs into the backyard and they had been living there for 12 years!

We had to prioritize what we wanted to do on the house. Our renovation list was massive and unfortunately the deck just wasn't at the top. This year we decided to make it a priority. It became crucial for us to have an outdoor living space. As the kids get older we find that we are spending more and more time outside. If the weather is nice, the kids are outside playing from sun up to sun down. We made a call to our amazing contractor Tony, worked out a schedule and design and in two different phases we built a massive, beautiful deck. David was able to help with some of the work which helped bring down the cost a bit and we also finished a bunch of planting around the deck area to make it feel more like home. 

We have used the deck more than I ever thought we would and it's only the first summer we've had it! Here's to a lot of summer beers outside while the kids run through the sprinkler. 

Mrs. E

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