
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Yoga Teach Training ~ Settling In

Within hours of arriving at the Goddess Garden I knew I was in love. 

We were assigned our rooms and given the remainder of the afternoon to go to the beach, settle in and meet back in the yoga studio. The beach was so incredible that it didn't even seem real. The water was as warm as a nice bath and the air was hot, humid and perfect. We spent a couple of hours jumping through the waves and enjoying the black sand before heading back to shower and change. 

I really feel like I hit the jackpot with my room mates. Karyn and Michaele are two of the most amazing women I have ever met. Karyn is a feisty, tiny ball of energy from New Jersey. She works as a Physical Therapist with spinal injury patients and is a pretty serious runner (she ran Boston the year of the bombings and plans on doing it again in 2016). Michaele is a soft hearted free spirit living based in St. Thomas. Her and her boyfriend own a charter boat where they host 8 guests at a time from all over the world. She is an incredible cook and a bit of a wine enthusiast. The three of us were a perfect mix. 

The first two days were a whirlwind. Yoga practice, meeting each other, learning the daily schedule, and settling in. It became very clear that I was not in Canada anymore....

Mrs. E

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