
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Yoga Teacher Training ~ The Trip to Costa Rica

If I said that leaving my family for 17 days was hard, it would be a massive understatement.

Packing up to leave Dave and the kids was one of the hardest things I have ever done. i knew that it was only going to make me a better, more appreciate person but I was really scared. The morning I left we were up at about 6:30am. I thought the kids were sleeping still but somewhere between me frantically double checking that I had everything and running around the house, Dave hid Sydney in the car to come to the airport with us. It was the perfect surprise on such a stressful morning. She was amazing and gave me a million hugs and kisses before I went to check in for my flight. 

Sitting down with a hot chocolate and some breakfast after checking in through security, it hit me that I was about to leave on one of the biggest adventures of my life and definitely the bravest trip i have ever taken. It also hit me that I got to sit on two quiet plane rides for a combined 8 hours with nothing but myself and a few good yoga books. I started to get excited. 

I flew through Houston where I managed to find a few of the other girls headed to yoga school with me and get on an earlier flight with them! It was so nice to start making connections with people right away. When we landed in San Jose we made our way through the airport insanity and to our hotel. We had to stay overnight in the Wyndham hotel close to the airport where we would all be picked up in the morning. 

That first night in the hotel was a real dose of reality. I was in a different country, without my family and I had no idea what to expect. The next morning we all met in the lobby of the hotel. It was so much fun to see the people that we would be living with for the next 16 days! I sat with one of the girls from Calgary and we set off for Cahuita. 

The dive was really long and completely what you would expect in central america. Winding roads that moved through the mountains and random traffic out of the middle of nowhere. The views were beautiful and our lunch stop was pretty damn incredible. 

The best part of the trip was our first view of the ocean. A few more minutes on the highway and we were turning onto a SUPER bumpy dirt road. We were on our way to the Goddess Garden. 

Mrs. E

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