
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Sydney Turns 5

There is something very exciting and sad about the fact that I had my first baby five years ago.

I honestly can't believe how fast time is going by. Sydney is now over half way through Kindergarten. She loves crafts and art, math and reading and running around outside. This spring she will be taking part in her first team activity playing kids t-ball. She is an amazing older sister and a great friend to all of her little buddies. We could not be prouder. 

When it came to planning Sydney's Birthday party for this year, we knew it was going to be different. We are at the stage now where she has her own friends to invite and her own ideas about what a fun party would entail. We decided to do her first "big girl" party at 4Cats studio in Summerside. They offer art based kids parties and the paint splatter party seemed like the perfect, age appropriate thing to do. 

The kids helped me with a paint splatter project one afternoon. We decorated the paper that we used for the outside of the invitations. They turned out great and the kids were happily covered in paint!

The next step was to put together treats for the party. We knew we didn't need to bring much based on the time of the party, so after agreeing on a fruit platter and cheese and crackers I started putting together something homemade for the kids to have in their goodie bags. We made these cute rice krispie treat paint brushes that ended up being a hit!

Next was the cake..... this is my favourite part! I love trying to figure out how to incorporate our party theme but still make it modern. This time it was all about achieving that paint splattered look. I did it by icing the cake in white icing and then I mixed Wilton gel colour with a bit of water and splattered away! I did one colour at a time and let the cake dry in the fridge between layers. Sydney was so excited with how it all turned out.

When party day arrived the kids were so excited! We got everything packed up and ready to go to the studio and the kids dressed in their best painting clothes. We started with some drawing and talking about the rules in the front of the studio. The kids each got to pick out their colours for the paint splatter and it was on to the Jackson Pollock room!

The studio owner Michelle was fantastic with the kids. They all listened so well and had an amazing time getting messy. Even Henry got the concept and was completely into it. 

Next step was the big canvas. Part of the party package was that all of kids would work together on one giant canvas for Sydney. I was able to pick the colours in advance so I picked some that are her favourites but are also more grown up. I want to be able to hang the canvas in her room once she is in her own space and the boys are sharing. The kids decorated the canvas with syringes, balloons filled with paint and paint brushes. The end result is incredible and has pieces of balloon all over it which I LOVE!

Cake, snacks and gifts and the party was done! It was so nice to be able to go home to a clean house and not have to worry about cleaning up after people. The whole experience was awesome and we now have an amazing piece of art to remember it!

Mrs. E

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