
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Valentines Day is for Lovers

I know that some people think that Valentines Day is a commercial holiday, but when you have kids it's so much fun!

There is something about decorating cards and getting little treats ready that turns it into a very special day for the entire family. We always try to get the kids as involved as possible and they love coming up with sweet things to do for each other. This year we came up with a pretty cute Valentine for Sydney's classmates. I feel like making homemade cards is so worth the time and effort. She felt so special walking into class with these cuties.

Instead of going on an adult date, we decided to spend the day as a family. We exchanged valentines treats and cards and headed out for a great brunch at Meat. The food was amazing and the kids had such an incredible time hanging out with us. It was such a beautiful sunny day and it could not have been a better way to spend it.

Of course, no Valentines day is complete without some sweets. David surprised me with a mini ice cream cake which we made a pretty good dent in. And, because Valentines day fell on a Sunday it was Walking Dead night. I made fresh brownies for our viewing friends as a treat and we had a "romantic"evening watching zombies. 

Mrs. E

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