
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Henry Turns 3

Honestly, where has the time gone? Henry is 3!

He is so much fun and a complete challenge at the same time. I am always so surprised how much I can be so in love and so frustrated with the same tiny human at the same time. Henry is our sensitive little guy. He wears his emotions on his sleeve and will let you know exactly how he is feeling. He loves Hockey and Lego and has more energy in his little finger than I have had in my entire life. He looks up to his big sister so much and will mimic almost anything she does. He can't wait to be an older brother and he keeps telling us that he will change the baby's diaper.... we will see about that one. 

When it came to Henry's birthday party we wanted to do something low key and fun. We let him pick the theme and asked him for his input in everything. We had a great couple of hours celebrating his big day and he could not believe that all of the attention was for him. Let's just say that he was one excited birthday boy. 


Mrs. E

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