
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Transitioning from Two to Three

There is something to be said about the power of nesting during pregnancy.

I have been on an absolute mission over the last month or so to have the entire house ready to go for our newest arrival. I have cleaned, purged, organized and painted like crazy and I could not be more excited to get more done. I feel like I don't have enough hours in the day to get things done. Luckily, I still have a little bit of time.

We have made serious progress on this baby's room. Walls are decorated, art is up, clothes have been organized and the crib has been built. There is still a lot more to work through, but at least he will have somewhere to sleep when he arrives. 

The kids transitioned into a shared room together when I was about 20 weeks along. I knew that we would have to start the process early to ensure that they were comfortably bunking up by the time our little man arrives. Thankfully we have huge rooms upstairs in this house. We were able to fit both of their double beds, a full sized dresser and a bookshelf in their room with room to spare. Dave also repainted the walls from a soft lavender to a light grey. Much more gender neutral. It turned out pretty good!

I created labels to a new organizational unit we added to the kids closet top help keep them organized. Even though Henry recognizes his own name, the little graphics help him distinguish between the drawers.

In the early days of the transition into the same room we ran into a few issues with Henry keeping his sister up. We learned quickly that Henry was able to reach the light switch and would turn the lights on and off. With a quick trip to Buy Buy Baby and the re-jig of a plug cover, our problem was solved. For any other parents out there fighting with the same issue.... this works!

We still have so much to do.... but we are getting there!

Mrs. E

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