
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Our Baseball Player

Dave and I have always looked forward to the time when the kids would be old enough to get involved with sports. We have also always known that we would let them guide us when it came to what they got involved in. 

When Sydney turned five the doors opened up when it came to what she was able to register for. She had already tried Sportball, which introduces kids to a new sport every week, so we decided to let her pick her sport for the spring. She surprised both of us by choosing baseball and with that we set out to find a good league for her. In the end we decided to put her in an actual Little League that starts with t-ball and practices once a week with games on Saturdays. She was so excited to pick up her uniform!

We began practicing right away. The league held some indoor spring training sessions that she took part in and we set up our T in the front yard for her to start using. 

Before we knew it, it was time for her first game! The kids at Sydney's age are non-competitive. The games are parent led and score is not kept. It is more a case of learning the rules of the game and the basic skills that she will need to move up to full on baseball. I would be lying if I said that we didn't need to convince her to get more involved in the beginning. But now that she has figured out how the game works she is so much more into it. She gets excited to bat and wants to be in position to get a lot of action like first base. Here are a few photos from the start of the season.

Henry is Sydney's ultimate cheering section!

Mrs. E

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