
Sunday, May 29, 2016

Pre-Baby Girls Date

I think that there is a point in every pregnancy after your first where you start to feel a little bit of guilt. 

I always start to feel a little bit guilty about the time that the new baby is going to take away from our older kids and how it will effect our relationship. I know in the end that it will all turn out ok but I still make a bit of an extra effort in the final weeks to spend some quality time with the kids. 

Sydney has been so amazing lately. She really has stepped into the role of big sister and she has been helping us out with making the bedtime routine a little bit easier for our entire family. We decided that it would be the perfect time to take her out for a special afternoon. I picked her up after school on her early dismissal day this week and we headed out for frozen yogurt. She loves to pick out all of the toppings and has a great time trying everything out. The next stop was the nail salon for a manicure and pedicure. She has been talking about doing this forever! I was waiting until she was old enough to really enjoy it, but we have definitely reached that point. She sat happily and enjoyed every minute. She picked out her own polish colour and told me how good the warm water and massage felt. I hope we are not creating a monster here!

Mrs. E


  1. Where did you go for the manicure? I want to take Amy maybe for her 5th bday if she wants to :-D

    1. It's called Sophia's nails. Its in Duggan really close to the quilt shop :)
