
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Lake Days

There really isn't much that I don't love more than a day at the lake with family. 

My whole life is filled with memories that were made out at my Grandpa's cabin with family and friends. Every summer we would go out and water ski, swim and run around. We would jump on the trampoline until we were exhausted and have sleepovers in the loft upstairs. It was the best. 

This past week we were able to spend two amazing days at the lake. I love watching our kids experience the things that I loved so much at their age. My aunt and her kids come up from Scottsdale every year to escape the Arizona heat and we always head out to the cabin to visit them while they stay there. The kids all get along so well and we have an amazing time trying to keep up with all of them. 

Our first day was spent running, biking, swimming, boating and tubing. It was such a beautiful day and the kids were so happy. When we arrived we hit the ground running... literally. We made a deal with the kids that if they walked, ran or biked 5km with us that we would walk to the candy store and let each of them pick out one thing. All of them did it! We enjoyed some treats and then hit the water. The kids all took turns tubing and jumping in the water. It was so nice to see them being completely care free. 

Will holding Hugh

Aunt Lindsay and Hugh

How many kids can you fit on one boat?

The second day out at the lake was a celebration for my Grandpa's 80th birthday. Family and friends flooded to the cabin for a great lunch and some hang out time. We ate, drank and watched the kids play in the water. It wouldn't have been a complete lake day without another boat ride and some tubing. Sydney even experienced her first wipe out! I loved every minute of it and seeing Hugh out there for the first time made my heart swell. I am looking forward to watching the kids enjoy days like this as they grow up. I know that they will cherish these memories as much as I cherish mine. 

Mrs. E

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