
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sydney's Big Haircut

I will be the first to admit that I am very attached to Sydney's hair. 

She is my only girl and she was blessed with the most amazing dark, curly locks. Since she was a baby I knew I wanted to grow it long. I have taken her in for a trim or two here and there but for the most part I have just let it grow. I had visions of a sweet little girl with curls hanging down her back, and for years that is what I got. 

This past year Syd has been begging me to let her cut her hair. I finally gave in and we cut off over 6 inches! She was cool as a cucumber as long pieces fell on the floor. I, on the other hand was a wreck. In the end I think she looks beautiful. Sooo much older, but that's ok.

Mrs. E

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