
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Ubud, Bali ~ Spacious Yoga

I'm not sure how many people are interested... but I thought I would talk about my time practicing under Iain Grysak at Spacious Yoga in Ubud.

I was so excited and nervous to practice in Bali. I had heard amazing things about Iain from friends back home and was so looking forward to learning from him. My first morning at Spacious Yoga was a Friday led primary practice. I knew right away that I would love it. Quiet and traditional with a very wide range of practitioners. We practiced in the traditional method where you stop at your gatekeeper pose and then either wait for backbends or work through backbending and closing on your own. I loved it. The strict nature of the practice is one of my favourite things. I am a complete rule breaker but I love being given strict parameters to work within. 

I was stopped at Marichyasana D from day one. Within a week I had figured out the bind and was quickly moved forward to Supta Kurmasana... where I will be for the next million years. Along the way I also got over my fear of standing up in dropbacks. It was a month of massive progression. But that was only one part of it. The physical changes were big, but the mental shift was even bigger.

The way Iain runs his room is so different than what I'm used to. No method is wrong, only different. But I really loved his method. There were no hands on adjustments unless necessary and no long hand holding sessions when struggles were met. It was all about embracing the struggle. He would watch every student intently and know when they were having a difficult time... and he would allow it to happen. Iain would leave me to fight with Marichyasana D, and when that bind became available the struggle mostly came in backbends. And he would leave me... for long enough for me to get frustrated. Long enough for me to really try to sort it out on my own. It was invaluable. 

There was a special energy in that little space above Seed of Life vegan restaurant. The open air room, the heat and humidity, the sounds of the early morning in Ubud and the people. I swear it was absolute magic. I learned so much during my time there, about so many things... and I really can't wait to go back. 



  1. I just came across your blog post and lovely photos. Thanks for the nice summary of my teaching style and your experience at our shala :)

  2. However, is there anything more than anecdotal evidence to support this claim? The next time a yoga student asks you this question, here's how you can respond. Pháp Luân Công

  3. An Ubud cycling expedition is an unmatched way to delve into the soul of Bali, unlocking the region’s allure, culture, and natural beauty.

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