
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Ubud, Bali ~ Offerings

I thought I would touch on the much talked about daily offerings of Bali.

In a country that is prodominantly Islamic, Bali is a tiny island of Hinduism. Beautifully religious and full of ceremony, this little island has spirituality oozing out of every cave and corner. 

One of the visual reminders of dedication to the Gods are the daily offerings left out on alters, doorsteps, sidewalks, driveways and pretty much any entrance to a building or temple you can find. Available in the market and made by the local women and their incredible skills with the betel leaf, they come in many sizes and shapes but all carry the same symbolism and intent.

Called Canang Sari, they are made up of multiple parts each representing a specific God. They are placed out daily with a small prayer and ceremony which includes using a frangipani flower to spread holy water and lighting an incense to place on top of the offering. The whole process is simple and so stunning. The basic overall intent of these offerings is to give thanks for peace. On different holy days they can be much larger and include more items. 

Henry became obsessed with the offerings. Every day the caretakers of our villa would come and place six offerings on our property alone. He would ask questions and watch quietly and one day they even allowed him to help. This is one of those invaluable learning moments that we were hoping the kids would have along the way. Even now, every time he sees an ornate grouping of flowers he says it is an offering. Bali really made an impact on him. 


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