
Friday, November 16, 2018

Ubud, Bali ~ Sydney's Medical Moment

No parent wants to see their child sick, especially in a foreign country.

The day before we left Bali we hit a bit of a bump in the road. Our little Sydney had been complaining of a headache for a couple days. We figured it was possibly a small case of dehydration so we pumped her full of water and pushed her to bed super early. The morning of our last full day in Ubud was supposed to be filled with waterfalls and temples.... but we never made it. 

We got to the parking lot of our first stop and Syd lost her entire breakfast in the parking lot. In true Sydney style she was such a champ. Not a single tear was shed and we made it back to the villa no problem. Luckily, it would be the only time she got sick like that. 

With a big travel day looming within 24 hours and a sick kid, we decided that we better take all precautions and called the BIMC clinic (a clinic and hospital run by Australian doctors). They told us that they could do a home visit at a cost of about $150 Canadian plus the cost of any medication. After a phone consultation we agreed on the cost and within half an hour they had arrived.

One doctor, two nurses and a suitcase with a full medical kit. It was all pretty amazing. Sydney was given the best care possible and it really helped calm some of our parent anxiety. They did a quick blood draw to rule out Dengue Fever, did an overall check on her, gave us one bottle of anti nausea medication as well as one bottle of fever medication. The whole experience was truly amazing. 

By dinner we had the blood panel back with confirmation that she did not have any crazy tropical diseases and she had finished and kept down a lot of electrolyte drink and plain rice. The medication did the trick and she was feeling a thousand times better and was enjoying some Netflix in bed. 

Although I hope you never have to experience anything like this while travelling with your families, I do hope that you receive the same level of care we did. The entire episode cost us about $260 Canadian and it was worth every claimable penny. Thank goodness for insurance!


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