
Friday, December 24, 2010

35 Weeks

Week: 35
Weight Gained: About 45 pounds 
Belly Button: Popping a bit.
Cravings: Spicy food, Hot Tamales, Chocolate, and Milk!
Sleep: What is sleep? I don't even know what that means anymore.
Best Moment of the Week: finishing my last day of work for over a year! Bring on maternity leave!
Worst Moment of the Week: Driving to Lethbridge right after work on Thursday, arriving exhausted, and then getting NO sleep as a result of the harder mattress than I am used to.
Thoughts from Dad: "We are in Lethbridge to see grandpa for Christmas. I am glad I got you and mom there safely after our last day of work"
This week felt like it took forever but it was the best! I am officially done working! I cannot wait to start cleaning the house and preparing for the arrival of Baby E. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a few last minute baby items and then we will be ready.... or at least we hope we are ready.
I am starting to feel massively uncomfortable. I am in a ton of pain and my stomach is getting so itchy! There are days when I feel like I could rip my skin off because it is so itchy. My hips feel like they are going to fall off of my body and walking has become a challenge. I am in a full on waddle now, which I am sure is really attractive.
We have the next week and a half to relax as a family and enjoy the Christmas holidays and I feel as though it is well deserved. We pushed ourselves hard in the last month to finish all of our Christmas presents and we are looking forward to doing nothing but sitting around.

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