
Monday, February 27, 2012

100 Things Item #32: 365 Pictures in One Year ~ Second Edition

Here is the second installment of photos for my 365 photo challenge. I am almost caught up! I find that I really have to remind myself to take a picture every day... hence the crappy quality of a lot of them I promise that they will get better as I go along!

~ February 17, 2012 - Getting very protective of her first spring roll... let's just say she was a fan ~

~ February 18, 2012 - Caught in the act after dumping out her puffs ~

~ February 19, 2012 - Making at mess at Great Grandma's ~

 ~ February 20, 2012 - Watching Sesame Street at Papa's ~

~ February 21, 2012 - All dressed up in Lethbridge ~

~ February 22, 2012 -  Mommy cuddles ~

~ February 25, 2012 ~

Mrs. E

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Haircut for Cancer

Wednesday evening I cut off almost nine inches of hair for cancer. I always knew that I would do something in memory of my aunt... this was my way of saying goodbye.

Mrs. E


This past week has been a little bit difficult for our little family.
After a six year battle with breast cancer, my aunt passed away last Friday. She was the mother of three boys and a great wife to my uncle. She was a loving, caring individual with an unimaginable amount of strength. She was a woman who always put others before herself. Even during her sickest days, she lever let on how bad she was feeling because she didn't want anyone to worry about her.

Over two years ago, after a double mastectomy, a hysterectomy and a long stretch of time cancer free, her cancer returned with a vengeance. At the time I was not working and had the honor of going down to their home in Lethbridge to help while she received treatment in Calgary. It made me feel like I was able to help. During those tough times, when a family member is sick, all you ever want to do is help.... the hardest part is when there is nothing you can do to make the situation any easier.

Last Monday, I received a call from my uncle. She had been moved into palliative care on February 2nd and was really not doing well. I spent the majority of last week on edge. Waiting for a phone call that I did not to come although I knew it was inevitable.

In the end, her death was bitter sweet. It was relief for her. Relief from the pain and the exhaustion and her disease. It was difficult for her husband and children and extended family and friends. I drove down to Lethbridge to be with my family on Saturday and flew home to work on Wednesday morning. It was great to see everyone... but under incredibly sad circumstances.

Cancer is difficult. It is an incredibly aggressive disease. It does not discriminate or choose favorites... is a killer. I hope that if you have someone in your family who has cancer, they get well soon or find peace with their situation.

Mrs. E

Thursday, February 23, 2012

100 Things Item #32: 365 Pictures in One Year

One of the biggest items on our 100 items list is 365 pictures in one year. I know that this sounds super easy but let's be honest.... how often do you remember to take a photo of something that happens in your day? I forget all the time.

I knew that I wanted to have a good record of Sydney's second year. I took a million pictures of her first year with us and one of my biggest fears is that I will get lazy and miss capturing important moments. Here is the first installation of photos. I began on her 1st birthday:

~February 9, 2012 - Birthday!~

~ February 10, 2012 - Making out of kitchen tools ~

~ February 11, 2012 - Checking out a new toy at her birthday party ~

~ February 12, 2012 - Playing the drums at the Shandros ~

~ February 13, 2012 - PJ Day! ~

~ February 14, 2012 - Spending Valentine's Day learning how to open drawers ~

~ February 15, 2012 - Stacking boxes ~

~ February 16, 2012 - Loving her baby ~
I am hoping to get up to date on all of my photos tonight!

Mrs. E

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Playing at Evelyn's Party

Just a few cute pics from Evie's party on Sunday. Sydney had a great time playing the drums and discovering new toys. Check out her super cute hoodie! It zips up the back..... awesome!

Mrs. E

Valentine's Day

It was a quiet Valentine's Day in our house.

I worked all day and David hung out with Sydney. I came home to a nice meal of grilled sweet potatoes, salad and baked chicken. I brought a super cute heart cucumber home with me and we added it to our salad. Sydney didn't care what shape the cucumber was.... she was just happy to eat it!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
Mrs. E


A Monster Bash!

I am proud to say that we survived the Birthday Party weekend.... and I feel like we did it with flying colors!

Sydney had her big Monster Bash last Saturday and we all had so much fun! The kids all hung out in the balloons while the parents had the chance to catch up. Sydney was the center of attention in her cute birthday outfit and she was spoiled rotten by all of her guests.

As difficult as it was to plan the party while working full time, I have so much fun doing it. My friend Conni took one look at the food table and said "it looks like Pinterest threw up on the table!" I agree.... i got a little but out of control with my Pinterest obsession. It was just so much fun to finally use some of the great ideas on the site!

The Menu ~
~ Chocolate Monster Cake
~ Cake Pops
~ Chocolate Dipped Pretzels
~ Lemon Macarons
~ Veggie Platter
~ Sandwiches (Egg salad, Ham & Turkey)
~ Chocolate Monster Cupcakes
~ Smarties!
~ Juice
~ Pop

Here are a few photos from the day:

~ Invitations (Homemade) ~

~ Yellow Lemon Macarons from Duchess Bake Shop ~

~ Monster Cupcakes (Homemade) ~

~ Sydney's Cupcake Birthday Shirt (Homemade) ~

~ Birthday Banner (Homemade), Cake (Baked by Me), & Cake Pops (Two Sweets & Other Treats)

~ Paper Garland (Homemade) ~

~ Monster Cups (Homemade) ~

~ The Food Table ~

~ Monster Mouths and Flag Straws (Homemade) ~

~ Chocolate Dipped Pretzels (Homemade) ~

~ Opening a Few Gifts ~

~ Smiles for Daddy ~

~ Trying out Her New Rocking Lion ~

Mrs. E

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sydney`s Birthday: A Story

There once was a girl named Sydney.
She was so excited to turn one!
The house was set for a great Birthday,
And she was ready for fun!

Daddy filled a room with balloons to play in....

And she giggled as they bounced off her chin.
She opened a gift and inside was a doll...

Then she hugged it and loved it and stood up real tall.

After a picture or two...

 And some smiles, none were fake!

It was time to sink into a sweet pink cup cake!

It started with a flame...

And continued with a taste...

And then she was into it....

With no time to waste!

With arms in the air...

And a bath to get clean...

A cuddle with Mommy for our cute little bean.

Mrs. E