Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Things I Miss...

- Putting on my own boots and socks
- Sleeping through the entire night
- A normal occurrence of bathroom breaks
- Being able to relax without having my stomach move the entire time
- Getting hiccups that are mine and not Baby E's
- Clothing that actually fits
- People asking me how I am doing instead of always talking about the baby
- Being able to walk up and down stairs without feeling like I can't breathe
- Using the computer without my stomach hitting the keyboard
- Being able to walk any longer distances
- Not worrying about whether or not everything I am feeling is normal
- Having conversations with my husband that do not revolve around our baby
- The skinny version of me
- Being able to get out of a car or roll over in bed without much effort
- So much more...


  1. I miss my old bum, I'm sure this one is bigger. I can barely get my scrubs on and am not ready to be a large scrub bottom girl.

  2. Lol yes much easier now!!

  3. I miss my old bum too! When did it get super impossible to even pull on pre-pregnancy pants.... Laura, I have given up on finding comfy pants. I wish I could live in scrubs!
