Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yoga is Hard!

This Saturday I went to my first prenatal yoga class. I have been looking forward to going for a while but I have been putting it off until I felt better.
Saturday morning David had to work so I woke up really early with him, ate breakfast and went to yoga. Class was at 10:30a and I was super nervous. There were six women in class ranging from 13 weeks to 32 weeks. We all shared how we were feeling and one piece of advice that we felt was worth sharing.
While practicing yoga we performed several stretches and balancing poses and focused on getting rid of hip and back pain. Before I got pregnant I was attending some fairly advanced yoga classes. This was supposed to be a super easy going class and it ended up being the hardest class I have ever attended. It is not that the movement or postures were difficult at all. It was all in adjusting to my new shape and weight gain. I plan on attending classes until the baby is born so I am hoping it gets a little bit easier.
More soon!

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