Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Travel Day ~ Bali to Ho Chi Minh

Goodbyes are always so hard. Especially when you know you will probably never see that person again. 

Saying our goodbyes in Bali was so hard. The kids hugged and kissed Nyoman an absurd number of times. We packed up the house and then said another sad goodbye to the villa that we had fallen in love with. We hopped in the car, and off we went.

We knew that the travel day to Ho Chi Minh would be a pretty easy one. After a brief issue at the customs desk (we unintentionally went one day over the 30 day visa allotment and had to pay $275 Canadian to be allowed to leave the country... nightmare.), we got on our 1:30pm flight to Kuala Lumpur and headed out. The 3 hour flight was so easy. The kids ate lunch, watched movies and Hugh even fell asleep as we were landing. 

Once we landed in Kuala Lumpur it got a little more challenging. We had to go through two additional security checkpoints within the secure area (excessive) and were told that there was good food through the last checkpoint near our gate (there wasn't). It was kind of a kick in the pants to know that we could have had an amazing western meal before the checkpoint, but instead we were stuck with most places only serving bread and instant noodles. 

Our Flight out of Malaysia was about a half an hour delayed, which is considered good when you fly budget Asian airlines. It was a nice short 2 hours before we finally landed in Ho Chi Minh. The kids were so happy to get out of the plane and onto Vietnamese soil. We grabbed a taxi and made it to our apartment in a very central area. All in all, it was a pretty great travel day and the kids did an amazing job as always. So glad to be continuing this adventure!



  1. افضل برنامج مقدم الان من افضل حجز فنادق كوالالمبور التي تعمل علي توفير افضل الخدمات المقدمة من كبري الشركات الخاصة لافضل برنامج سياحي في ماليزيامن موقع سفرك ويمكنكم الحصول علي افضل منتجعات تايلاند العالمية في الاقامة والاستجمام

  2. نوفر لكم اليوم اقوى العروض المميزة مثل عروض فنادق تايلاند الرائعه و افضل المنتجعات مثل افضل منتجعات المالديف المميزة بالاضافة لافضل اقامة فى افضل فنادق كوالالمبور التى تقع فى افضل المناطق السياحية فى ماليزيا تماما
